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Tooth Whitening, Tooth Treatment

Tooth Whitening, Tooth Treatment: Get that Perfect Smile!
by Ashley Green

I would say a smile throughout the day keeps doctor away. Undoubtly, laughter is the best medicine as it not only supplies nutrients to the skin but also makes your skin glow. But if the condition of your teeth doesn't allow you to smile confidently, don't worry, just read on to learn how to improve the condition of your teeth.

Thanks to your tight schedule and fast lifestyle, you have yellow teeth which not only affects your confidence but also puts off the other person. But with the help of modern dentistry, your teeth can be bleached. You can have that perfect set all over again. But the sad part, the bleaching affect is temporary. The bleaching or whitening affect depends on the discoloration of your teeth. Obviously there are home remedies for whitening of your teeth like baking soda but then, tooth whitening is a very delicate process(as it involves gums) and should be left to experts only.

The best you can do to your teeth is to eat the right food and brush them properly. Even then if the condition of your teeth doesn't improve, then its time for you to visit your doctor or undertake some tooth whitening program. When i say eat properly i mean, eat a balanced diet to provide essential vitamins and minerals to your teeth which will help teeth and gums to grow strong and healthy. Calcium, Phosphorous, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D are most essential minerals and vitamins for your teeth.

Tip: It is also wise to note that eating sweet snacks between meals affect teeth more than eating sweet snacks with meals. It is because the increase flow of saliva during mealtime protect your teeth by washing sugar away. Eat snacks without sugar between meals and snacks with sugar during meals.

With brushing teeth properly i mean, brushing your teeth twice a day. Brush your outer and inner surfaces at 45-degree angle. On chewing surfaces, hold the brush flat and brush back and forth. On inside surfaces of front teeth, tilt brush vertically and use gentle up and won strokes with toe of the brush. Even brush your tongue to remove food particles and freshen your mouth. DO NOT BRUSH YOUR TEETH AFTER EACH MEAL as it may effect your enamel.

Tip: The amount of time for which our teeth are exposed to sweets affect our teeth more than the number of sweets. So avoid sticky sweets like toffee or hard candies like mints.

Other reasons which can stop an individual for showing off a 440 watt smile can be Bad Breath(Halitosis), some kind of gum diseases, some stains(internal or external), ill-formed teeth etc. Now good news for you, learn how to fight bad breath here at http://www.weightloss-health.com/Bad_breath_halitosis.htm. Some handy home remedies to get you back the most refreshing breath. Also, too much smoking of cigarettes leave really ugly stains(external) on your teeth. To counter that, you can some whitening toothpastes but then you have to be extra careful with such toothpastes as they may abrade to tooth enamel. Internal stains are mostly caused by ageing or calcium or fluoride deficiency. In this case, whitening toothpastes are not helpful whereas bleaching can be really effective.

--> To learn more on tooth whitening, tooth care and LAUGHTER THERAPY, visit http://www.weightloss-health.com/teeth_problem_treatment.htm

About the Author

Ashley Green: for http://www.weightloss-health.com your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

Also get free tips and tricks on skin care and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various health issues at http://weightloss-health.com/Articles4.htm

Tooth Whitening Secrets

Tooth Whitening Secrets: In House Enjoyment
by Joaquin Reveron

Tooth whitening is a process in which the teeth color is lightened. The shading of teeth is made in different grades by adaptation of different kinds of methods comprising both in-house method and office-method. The tooth whitening is made in teeth that get darkly colored due to aging, usage of colored beverages that can stain the teeth including coffee, tea etc.

The tooth whitening is useful for many persons who bother much about the appearance of their stained tooth. The whitening is carried out using the white strips that can be applied on the teeth structures along with the bleaching substance. Just after the gap of thirty minutes, the strips may be taken out. Like this, for a period of seven days, the procedure is to be carried out patiently and the teeth get light color finally. However, due to over enthusiasm, one should not resort to unwanted technique to have tooth whitening. Certain persons may spoil their tooth by using lemon juice frequently over the teeth. In such persons, the vitamin C in the lemon juice reduces the calcium level of teeth and finally, the tooth gets loosened and may become highly vulnerable to the fracture. Similarly, many stories are there about the persons who want the tooth whitening.

Few persons even go to the extent of application of baking soda continuously and this leads to erosion of teeth. The person using hydrogen peroxide solution in a more concentrated manner may end up in over-bleaching. Hence care is required on tooth whitening. Bleaching gel that has ADA seal for it's safety and effectiveness may be used as one of the significant products useful for tooth whitening. A tray containing the bleaching gel is placed over the teeth in a fitting manner and is gently pressed. Most of the times, within six to seven days, the desired effects are apparent in such persons.

Though light is being used, still many debate on the usage of the light in the tooth whitening. The laser light is being used in a more careful manner to make a better whitening effect on the teeth structures. One should remember that the tooth whitening occurs mainly due to the bleaching effects of the chemical agent often and however, there are some home made techniques that can cause the same effects like brushing with barks of numb trees, walnut tree etc. Special toothbrush can make vibrations, assisting the tooth whitening process.

About the Author
Tooth Whitening Usa is the number one website for getting updated tips for achieving a clean bright smile. Tooth Whitening is one of the topics discussed at http://www.tooth-whitening-usa.com

Whiten Your Teeth with Baking Soda

Whiten Your Teeth with Baking Soda
by Jeffrey Michael

Our smile is one of the biggest beauty factor for guys and girls. White teeth and a clean smile will make you more attractive and hygenic. So making sure our teeth stays white should be one of our most important task in life. However, the discolorisation of our teeth is very hard to avoid as there are many factors that cause them. From smoking to the types of food and drinks we consume. Irregular brushing of our teeth is also to blame.

Many people flock to see their doctors or dentist for cosmetics session. People pay money just to make their teeth shiny new. In view of these demands, many over-the-counter teeth whiteners products are available but usually they cost much. However many people have found that using baking soda can help to whiten your teeth without major risks to your health.
Using Baking Soda
Baking soda has been known to be able to help clean kitchen utensils and cleaning coffee, dirt or crayon stains. However, fewer people know that you can use soda to make your teeth whiter. You just need to have this soda particles to rub againts your teeth to help in the whitening process.

Baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate, bread soda, bicarbonate soda or bicarbonate of soda. Its most popular use is as a leavening agent in baking. If you would like to save money in cleaning your household or you are wary of the toxic materials available on the cleaning products nowadays, you might want to try baking soda. It's cheaper and safer.

To get the baking soda rub againts your teeth, the best method is to sprinkle the baking soda on top of the paste on your toothbrush and brush normally. The soda will dillute very fast so you might want to sprinkle on your toothbrush again. Rinse your mouth afterwards.

More reading
There is another ingredient in whitening your teeth. That is using 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. It is reported to be stronger than soda but works well when mixed together. You can read the detailed instructions on the full article.

You can read a more detailed guide on using baking soda to help you clean and whiten your teeth at http://WhitenTeeth.4dummies.net!

About the Author
Jeffrey Michael compiles information he gets from the clients he work with and publish them on the internet for everyone to benefit.